Sunday, February 28, 2010

Daily Cuteness!

This morning as we were getting ready for church, Liliana all on her own initiative (to help, I suppose), BRUSHED NOAH'S TEETH!!! Way too sweet! What makes it even sweeter is that he cooperated with her! She had him say "ahh", just like we do.

Noah is getting so big! He is speaking more and more articulately too...he used to say "downdairs", but today he said "downstairs", very clearly! He is using bigger sentences all the time too!

Liliana likes to ride in Daddy's blue car home from church when it works out for him to take her. Well, today on their ride home from church she told him: "I love to learn, I want to live under the table at church (the one in the toddler room) so I can just learn all the time. I just need my toothbrush and some clothes and I can live there." Too cute!!!

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