Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lots of Random Cuteness!!!

We borrowed a classic Blues Clues DVD from the library recently and Noah LOVES it. He wears Luvs diapers, which have blues clues on them and he has never really cared about the pictures on them until now...he is obsessed with looking at the picture to see if it is "CoosCoos" or "Winkle". He gets all excited about his diapers now and is the sweetest and cutest thing ever!

Noah is OBSESSED with the Power Lab music from the VBS the summer before last. He is especially obsessed with song #1, the theme song. He has figured out how to eject the dvd and reset it to play song #1 over and over again...to me, that is a lot of hassle to hear just one song, but he does it! In the van, he will ask over and over and over again for "POWER"...meaning, song #1! Liliana and I are tired of "power". haha!

It happened...something that happens to many 3 year old girls...she cut a chunk of her hair...not much...a thin strip about an inch wide right smack in the middle of her bangs. Haha!!! I will post pics soon!

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