Monday, February 15, 2010

10 Day Caribbean Cruise

A little over a year ago David Albano, at CCC began advertising a 10 Day Caribbean Cruise for anyone interested in going. One of the stipulations to making it a "church" outing was to have a pastor accompany the group to provide bible study's each morning and a Sunday service with Communion on the first Sunday of the trip. So, the four of us packed our bags and off we went with about 34 others! :o)
We stopped at 5 ports: San Juan, St. John, St. Maarten, and Tortolla and I can't remember the other one...We did not get of at every stop, only two of them as it cost extra, it was a lot for the kids, and I just did not feel to great a lot of the time. :o)
Here is Megan's Bay in St. John:

Me, Liliana & Noah. Liliana and I spent almost the entire time out swimming in the absolutely perfect water!!! :o) What a sweet time!!! She is a good little swimmer...just like her mommy...a fishy!
What a yummy fruit drink that was!
Beach Babe!

LOL...she was crazy with that sand! She was digging like a puppy! Soo silly! :o) She's pretends to be a doggy no matter where she is! Ha!
See...digging like a puppy!
The water came up and got them!
My man bringing us some DELICIOUS hot pizza...the water brings out your appetite!
Our ride back to the ship: the Norwegian Gem...It was GINORMOUS!!! I didn't like looking at it as it overwhelmed my senses...I am weird like that...I am like that with mountians too! Ha!
Noah was POOOPED...we got back to the room and showered up and he crawled right onto the bed and fell asleep just like this right away! Awe!

This is in Antiqua, St. Maarten. Rough waters...I swam a lot of the time while the kids played in the sand. I got knocked over and sucked under a handful of get the feel for it and learn to roll with the waves after a few times, but still, rough. There were lots of shells here, Liliana and I had fun looking through them and brought some home!

Mr. Sandman! He was COVERED in sand...and he enjoyed eating it!!! Oh Boy! :o)

I have lots more pictures, but need to get to bed. :o)
What a wonderful time we had and are SO SO SO SO SO BLESSED to have Donnie with us for 13 days straight!!! :o) He is the best husband and Daddy EVER!!! Noah is especially cute during and after any family vacations as he gets extremely attached to Daddy...last night he even told me to "go away" at bed time because he wanted Daddy to sing to him. :o) During the day I tell Donnie that Noah is orbiting him! ha!
Thank you, Jesus for Donnie and our precious family!!!


Lisa said...

good start on the vacation recap! cant wait to hear all about it. time!

Stephanie said...

Oh my word! How fun! I am sure you were soaking up all of the georgous sunshine! What a priceless time with the kiddos!

Meg A. said...

YAY! So glad you are back! I've been diligently checking your blog for fun vacay pics! :) Have missed reading your updates! P.S. GREAT photos!