Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Noah Nuggets

Titles for some posts are so hard sometimes....Noah Nuggets...haha! :o)

Noah HATES to have his teeth brushed. He has always hated it, but worse now, I think. It is true torture for him. I do it anyways...I have to lay him on the bed and hold his legs down with mine and hold is arms down with my left arm and brush with my right hand all while his face turns red and he cries and squirms. This is just the normal routine, doesn't stress me a bit, I just get'r done and talk sweet and giggle at how silly he is for being SO dramatic about oral health! LOL!!!

Here is one real good reason for going through all of this for a clean mouth...NOAH HAD TUNA IN HIS MOUTH FOR ABOUT AN HOUR AND A HALF TODAY! Yes, he did! He was in this cozy, "guy" mode today where he didn't have much of an appetite and kind of spaced out during his lunch we had chicken nuggets & mac-n-cheese and he ate two bites and kept the third bite of mac in his mouth for at least an hour. Later he did the same thing with his tuna, on the first bite! This was at about 4:30 and when we arrived at church at 6, he still had it in his mouth! I tried everything! I tickled him to see if he would open his mouth and give it up, I tried prying his teeth open with my finger, I tried bribing him with gum, nothing worked! He finally swallowed the tuna at church when he saw the giant box of goldfish...on from one fish to another!

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