Monday, January 11, 2010

Interesting Naps

Noah is over 2 now and ever since he has graduated to his twin bed has not had the same napping habits. He will still take 2 hour naps, but not as consistently. So, often times naptime consists of a few hours of getting nowhere with it. Awe! =\
Friday, after hours of trying at home, he fell asleep in the van on the way to drop Liliana off at Alley's house. He was fast asleep and because they live a good 20 minutes away, he got a good nap in, he slept all the way there and back!
Today, I spied on him to see if he had fallen asleep at naptime and this is what I found!!! He had the light on and was sound asleep!!! He has a miserable cold, so I guess this must have felt good on his sinuses!? AWE!!! I couldn't believe it! Too sweet!!! Such a SWEET boy!!!

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