Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Sweetest Things!

The other day Noah prayed this over our Reese's Peanut Butter Cereal breakfast:

"Mommy, what should we pray about?... Casey.... Dear Jesus, please help Casey to not be scared in the pool and help me to build her a house and help it to not break and help it to be a purple house..... Amen."

Yesterday on the way to church Noah was looking up at the bright sunny sky asking how come he can't see God... Liliana and I were telling him about where God is, in our hearts and everywhere and wayyy up in heaven past the sun and then Noah looked over at his bike in the van and said "I need to get a new bike that haves two seats and I can take Jesus out of my heart and he can sit on one seat and I can sit on the other seat." AWE!!! I am sure that If Jesus were here in the flesh He would be delighted beyond expression to ride a bike with His sweet little Noah! :)

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