Friday, June 24, 2011

Momma's Boy!

Noah Jack is a man after his momma's heart...
"Mo_ey" - he prounounces "Mommy" without the middle m's...
"Mo_ey, can I have a lil' sip?" referring to my coffee sitting on the coffee table... I always say "yes, just one sip"
"OH, ThAnk YoU!" in the sweetest heartfelt tone while giving me a big hug and kiss... he says this for everything... such expressions of extreme gratitude!
"Mo_ey, I love you." ...this one makes me cry as I think of his sweet little voice saying these very words to me and he says this All The Time... repeatedly.
"I'll buy that for you" in the sweetest generous joyful tone... or "I bought that for you" ... he tells this to everyone... I tease that he has lots of money to buy everything for everyone. :)
"That's my kid" or "those are my kids"... any kid in the world, on tv, in the park, at church are HIS kids... this one cracks me and Donnie up to the core! My gut is filled with laughter as I type this one. hahaha! :) Who knows, between these last two noted, sounds like he may be a St. Nicholas to open up an orphanage one day...?? :)
"Mo_ey (or Daddy), can you seep (sleep) with me for one minute? Please, for one minute." the sweetest tone of desperation...
When I or Daddy (or both, one at a time), do lay down with him at night for that "one minute", which we do almost every night with each kid, he says "can you scratch a rainbow? What color's missing?"
And on some nights when it's time for Mommy to leave the room, he clings to me and says "I need you..." AWE!

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