Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Noah's Up to These Days

Noah LOVES guitars! He uses everything and anything as a guitar: the mixing attachment for a hand mixer, a metal whisk, small paint brushes, his big plastic golf club...all of these things are or have been guitars. Today I bought him a stuffed animal whale and he pulled out the tail and said it was a!

He also LOVES music... Mozart, DC Talk, anything... but ESPESCIALLY POWER...the theme song (song #1) from the VBS soundtrack two years ago. He will listen to it over and over and over and over and over again...literally... if you try to let the cd play out all of the songs he will say "Power, Mommy". He has all of the Toddler room workers at church wrapped around his finger...haha...they play power for him...over and over and over again..."oh, my!" I have been teasing lately that I want to go on a week long family campout to fast him from electricity. I have always LOVED music too though... as far back as I can remember. I used to sit with the big head phones on in front of the real-to-real player and listen to Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"...

He also loves stairs! I guess the two full flights of stairs we have in our townhome are not enough for him. Ha! His twin bed and box spring are right on the floor and he pushes the mattress out just enough to make the box spring and bed look like two steps and he climbs up and down and says "stairs!". Just today when we were driving to church he saw a couple of houses with big staircases in the front and he was saying "stairs" and when we passed them he said "where'd the stairs go?". He is a climber for sure!!!

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