Sunday, March 14, 2010

Liliana Stories

Today as Liliana was eating chicken pot pie:

Liliana: "Mommy does chicken come from real chickens??"

me: "yes, it does"

Liliana (big eyes and studdering to get out her theory): "Do they poop it out and we clean it off and eat the chicken they poop out??"

Me: " is just that okay??

Liliana: "we eat that is not okay...I am a chicken" and off into animal pretend mode she went.

A couple of weeks ago Liliana was holding a peice of paper pretending to read a story to Noah. Here is the story:

Once upon a time a big moose came to eat Noah up and a raccoon came to rescue him. The End. (She had been pretending to be a raccoon those few days prior).

She LOVES animals and is very curious about ALL of them..."Mommy, how does a squirrel talk?" "Mommy, how does a mouse walk?" "Mommy, what do hippos say?" whew...I don't know a lot of this! :o) If she sees a cartoon or movie (super rare) that does not have a single animal in it she says "this just has humans in it, it's boring because it does not have any animals."

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