Thursday, April 9, 2009

Noah Talk

My Love Bug - oh, he is the cutest!

Noah's cutest words lately are nite-nite... when I lay him down to go to sleep he says "nite-nite" and gives me the sweetest cozy, content smile and when I begin to walk out the door he says "bye-bye". So sweet!

He knows all about going bye-bye... when he sees keys, shoes or my purse, he runs to the front door saying "bye-bye".

When he is done eating, he says "done" and after I wipe his hands and mouth, he says "down" so I will get him out of the highchair. :o)

He loves keys! He says "keys" to ask for my keys.

He says "pop-pop" to ask for a lollipop. He asks for them more than he gets them. :o)

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