Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bum & Ice Cream Cones

Mine and Liliana's favorite gum is Orbit Strawberry Mint. Well, Noah has been trying to learn how to chew gum, so when he sees me chewing gum, he tries to reach in my mouth and get it... I don't let him, but I do give him half a peice to practice with... he grins so sweet and chews it for about 2 minutes and then it is gone. Liliana usually gives me the report that he swallowed it. He often asks for "bum" when we are in the car as that is usually when I pop some in my mouth or treat Liliana for good behavior as we run errands, etc. :o)

The other night we enjoyed a fun time at Never's Park with friends, then hit DQ for a late unhealthy dinner and ice cream cone - YUM! Noah had a good audience as he showed them just how to put down an ice-cream cone with no mess at 17 months of age! He is such a neat eater, very careful and maticulous. Our friends were amazed and said they hadn't seen anything like it. Too adorable. He just ate it all up and didn't mind the fans. Such an easy-goin' guy. Nothin' bothers him... Liliana can be sitting in the car carrying on whining and he will just sit there like he doesn't have a care in the world, staring out the window focusing on the bugger he his trying to get a hold of. :o)

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