Monday, October 6, 2008

Sesame Place

Living in Connecticut we have the opportunity to take lots of one-day fun family trips. Well, this past weekend we went on our first real family vacation. We went to Sesame Place in the Philadelphia, PA area. It was amazing!!!
We were all so star-struck. I got butterflies in my stomach when I first saw Bert and Ernie. :o)
We rode the very-cute carousel many times!
We got to watch a live version of Elmo's World. Pictured above are Elmo and Mr. Noodle talking about fish.

Our picture with Zoe (she and Elmo are showing their bones for Halloween). Noah loved Zoe - he just smiled at her so sweetly! Liliana was so star-struck! She is so innocent and precious!!! She has the sweetest and most sincere spirit. My heart melts with love for her and Noah!!! Donnie and I are so thankful we have the opportunity to bless our children with these types of experiences.

Donnie and I took turns taking Liliana on rides. She liked the fishy ride and the parachute ride the best. :o)

Liliana looking for Oscar the Grouch (seriously!). :o) A whole crowd of kids saw her and gathered round and started looking too. Cute!

Waiting for the Parade... it was awesome!!!

Aren't these guys way too cool! :o)

Bert patted Liliana's cheek as he walked by.

Yes, we ate cotton candy!

We had such a wonderful time! I have sooo many more picutes and so much to say about the trip. I will post more pics and details tomorrow... I need to get to bed for now. :o)


Lisa said...

That looks like SO much fun. You did a great job with the pictures, and your hat is so cute.

Amy said...

That looks way fun! She must've LOVED it! I never knew that place existed!