Monday, October 20, 2008


Candor - Frankness or sincerity of expression; openness; complete honesty.

I love this word, I think it describes me well, at least my perspective of me. :o)

I try not to "be" anyone, I just am... I used to try to be this "perfect version of myself" and just stressed myself out. I find it is best to take short times of self-examination, and then, quickly look right back up to the Lord and just trust Him to "be" in and through me instead of me trying to "be" all... all we need to do is yeild to the precious Holy Spirit... YEILD, ahhh, what a relaxing, refreshing, and trusting word, yeild... the fruit of the SPIRIT, not the fruit of my efforts, the fruit of the SPIRIT is Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control........ against such THERE IS NO LAW.... there it is, there is no law that you can adhere to to acheive these attributes because the law has limits - it is only by His Spirit... wow! Ahh, thank you Lord that I don't have to "be" and "do", I simply have to "yeild" and allow YOU to shine through!

Thank you, Jesus!!! :o)


Lisa said...

There is such hope in the yielding...thankfully, it is not up to me and my performance.

I'm thankful for this encouragement today. And Liliana sleeping with Elmo? SO cute!

Darla Padilla said...

I am retaking a bible study on the Fruit of the Spirit. I love it! I am so grateful the LORD gave us his Holy Spirit to bring forth these qualities! Because on my own it is not so pretty!