Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rules to Live By

A few years ago I worked for an amazing woman of God (PhD, preacher, professor, missionary, prayer worrier...) by the name of Deborah Gill. Well, needless to say, she was one busy woman, but one day she said something that took me by surprise... she said she tries not to multitask... I thought to myself "hmm, that is the opposite of what I have learned and thought that one should do to be the best stewart of your talents and time". Think about it, when you look at job descriptions or ads what is so often one of the listed required skills "must have the ability to multitask". The business of our society today has ingrained inside of us to do as much as you can in as little time at the lowest cost.

I now see exactly where Dr. Gill was coming from. We are to give God and our loved ones our 100+%, the most of our time and at whatever the cost!

Here are some simple yet very, very important principles or rules I try to follow in my daily life in order to give God, my Donnie and my Liliana and Noah my very best 100% of the time:

  1. Put God first in my heart, devotion, praise and energy each day... live life as an act of worship towards Him.
  2. Never spend time "chatting" on the phone while Donnie is home... our time together is too limited and precious!
  3. Never answer the phone while you are eating a meal together! "How rude!" :o)
  4. Don't answer the phone while you are reading a book to your children, having a conversation or spending quality time with your children... this is depending on how much time I have to do this... otherwise I would never answer the phone... I am always with my babes! ha! :o)
  5. Don't talk on the phone while you are driving... WHATEVER IS BEING SAID ON THE PHONE OF A DRIVER IS NOT THAT IMPORTANT, REALLY!
  6. Never miss bedtime prayers with your children. The sweetest!

Now, I am not "perfect" at following my own rules :o) (one should never expect perfection out of oneself or others), but each day I ask the Holy Spirit to keep my in check... and He does! He is so faithful! I can count on Him to lead and guide me each and every moment of each and every day! Thank you, Jesus!!! :o)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Good "rules" to live by. So true.