Monday, February 25, 2013

Project 365 Week 8

February 18th
Liliana and oh my!
Someone LOVES ice cream!  :) 
 Wednesday, February 20th
I went to the airport to pick up my mom and she was not BROTHER, whom I had not seen in like 7 years totally came here to visit!!!!  SURPRISE!!  :)  WOOOOH!
February 21st
Noah and Chal instantly bonded.  Here is a picture of Noah sleeping on the floor to be near Chal.  AWE!
We got to bring Chal to Boston!  We did the Duck Bus tour!  So fun!  :)  We left Elia at a friends house for the day.

It was extremely fridgid out, but we huddled and had a blast!
On the way home...

Friday, February 22nd
Candyland Fun!
 Sunflower seeds Chal brought me and The Lorax cozy time!
 Elia was determined to put Grandma's phone in her sock and her sock on her funny!
Saturday, February 23rd
Grandma and Chal went back happy to have them!!! Priceless times!
That night Elia and I played with her this set up...
brush brush!

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