Monday, February 4, 2013

Project 365 Week 5

Sunday, January 27th
Muscles!  WOW!!!
Too sweet checking himself out in the mirror in our room from the bed.

It happended...this two year old did it, she got into Mommy's makeup!!!

So, what do I do??  I grab the camera and have her do my makeup too and Nah-Nah's lips! ahahaha!
Monday, January 28th
"Help, Mommy..."
Tuesday, January 29th
Pastor Jose Alvarez Jr. and his wife and daughter were here in America for the first time together as a family.  They were here for 6 weeks and we had the joy of having them over for dinner before they headed back to Guatemala.  Their daughter, Annabella, was so nurturing and just a little mama!  She stole my heart by brushing my hair, all on her own even!  wow!

Wednesday, January 30th
Baby bath-time!
Elia having her Potato head puppy and kitty kiss...see her lips pursed! ahaha!
Pawley's first birthday! Liliana was alllll over it!  She made her many cards and after she got home from school, we went to PetSmart for some gifts, an outfit and some yummy chew treats! 
We were in PetSmart for a good hour and had a blast...Elia is to the left here wearing doggy goggles and carrying a doggy toy and Liliana is to the right here begging for a hamster...AWE...Look at that face!

Thursday, January 31st
Daddy's 34th Birthday!!! 
We went to Westfarms Mall and ate at The Rainforest Cafe.
Donnie got the Volcano and a birthday song!
 Friday, February 1st
Elia lives it up wherever she goes!  She just makes herself right at home and is not shy or inhibited in any way!  Love that about her!!  Here she is livin' it up at Kohl's wearing some shades from the ladies dept and looking in the mirror while momma shops!  You go girly!
Saturday, February 2nd
The kids playing school, something they have been doing a ton of lately!  Noah is an excellent student to Liliana, the teacher.

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