Friday, July 2, 2010

VBS 2010 High Seas Voyage!

Like last year, I was over decorations and the toddler room for VBS!
Here are the toddlers: the CUTEST AND SWEETEST VBS crew. Here they are watching their puppet show from the view of their "boat"...awe!!!

The Todds joined the preschoolers each day for Chadder', Liliana and Noah fell to the floor due to their big hug after being apart for a few hours...haha!
Liliana and her best friend, Emma were in the same crew...they held hands all week and were the sweetest things! Here Liliana is holding Jeremiah. Liliana and Emma had their first sleepover together at Auntie Joy's last night! AWE!!!
9:00 am: off to the sanctuary for songs!
Noah and Lyanna Cathcart: somehow these two end up together a lot at church events...they always make for the cutest photos!

What a big boy!!! AWE! He LOVED this closing service!


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