Thursday, May 7, 2009


I told Donnie the other night that when I am old and I look back on my life, some of my most treasured pictures in my mind will be the messes in the yard! There is nothing like evidence of innocent children at play!!! Absolutely nothing! Oh, that we could all keep that simple, pure spirit!

What a busy week+ it has been! Tonight as I was winding down I walked up to the loft and found the "messes" that the kids left from playing up here earlier in the day and I just had one of those special moments of reflection upon the babies and their play. Here is where Liliana had one of her dinosaurs placed in the dollhouse. My greatest hearts desire is to preserve my babies innocence as LONG as I possibly can... to guard and protect it... playing with dinosaurs in a dollhouse... not a single care in the world, not even the knowledge to consider having a care. sigh*Love.... my heart melts and tears fall as I write... Dear Jesus, you hear my heart's cry! Thank you for being at work always! :o)

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