Monday, June 17, 2013

Project 365 Week 24

Sunday, June 9th
Snuggles before Church.
 Monday, June 10th
I made this for our neighbor friends who moved away so they can always have a view of our house since they used to live right across the street from us. That is a photo of our house I painted on to enhace the color and the backgrounds are all different types of paper and the trees are 3D stickers and the rocks are real rocks I glued on and I painted the clouds and the frame.  The measuring spoon is in memory of us borrowing baking powder from each other...awe!
 Tuesday, June 11th
Liliana's gymnastics finale of the year.  She did excellent getting the top ribbon in each event for her level.  Great job, Liliana!
 Afterwards we celebrated with Happy Meals at McDonald's...minus Noah who had OATMEAL.  Tooooo cute!  He loves their oatmeal!  This rainbow topped the night.  It was double, full-scaled, bright and beautiful!
Thursday, June 13th
Liliana had been asking to drink out of a coconut for weeks now and the price was right, so I bought a bundle of 3 and we had fun!

 This was a most wonderful milestone, Noah read the entire Green Eggs and Ham book to me!  I was overjoyed to have this little guy read a book to me.  All thanks to his school teacher, Miss Lily, aka, big sister, Liliana!  ;)  Amazing!  So proud of you, Noah!

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