Sunday, May 19, 2013

"Fasser, Mommy!"

One of Elia's most FAVORITE things to do is SWING! She runs to the backyard to the far right swing any time we are outside.  She is quite demanding about being pushed, actually.  She says "fasser, mommy!!!" after the first push...jeepers!  haha!  I literally stand there, in the same spot for a good hour at times, just pushing her.  My wrist will get a little tired, but I switch arms to give it a rest because she must feel me push her without a miss.  I treasure these moments and Praise God with all my heart that we have a swing set in our yard for the kids to enjoy and that I have the time to spend out there with them!!!  I know how fast the time flies and soak in every moment I have with these greater blessing in all the world!!!  Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I LOVE YOU, DOLLY!!!  Momma will push you any time!!!  :)

1 comment:

Meg A. said...

Love it! What a sweet picture too!