Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Sweet Scoop

Elia is blowing kisses,
climbing on everything,
loves playing with the laundry, "putting things on",
loves shoes!,
is an excellent eater!,
is starting to say "bye-bye",
waves goodbye or hello,
takes one 2-3 hour nap a day and sometimes a second 1 hour nap,
I caught her playing with Liliana's Pet Shops yesterday all by herself like a big girl!,
She is now throwing away her own dirty diapers!  So proud of her!  We clap when she does it!
She loves to help put toys away.
She still LOVES books and I think she may have chewed on a book maybe one time in her life.
She trys to sing and does a good job keeping to the tune in her own baby language or sing-songy sounds.
She is just the sweetest and the cutest thing ever with her giant super-cute belly!!! 
Love you, little bear!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox X Billions X infinity! 

1 comment:


The kids look so appreciative of their gifts. They are the most special grandkids ever. I am so proud of them. Elia is too cute vaacuming. I'm trying to save the picture. Love MOm