Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Sweet Scoop

Elia had her One-Year Well Visit this about 3 weeks ago.  She weighed in at 23 lbs and 28 1/2 inches. She is in the 80% in weight and 40% in height.  She has been consistently and considerable shorter than Liliana and Noah, which is so amazing to me... it shows a true spot of unique identity in her that is way too cute!  She may be my height one day and not surpass me like her siblings... I am sure they will be taller than me!  :)
Elia is still super social!  She loves people and has this amazing hold on people with her giant blue eyes!  She loves to smile at everyone, even the bus driver in the mornings when we see Liliana off to school! 
She loves animals and gets so excited and points and talks whenever she sees a cat or a dog.
She loves putting on anyones shoes that she finds around the house, headbands, "putting on clothes".
She has always reminded me of a little hummingbird by the way she waves her arms SO fast up and down, but now she is not as fast at it as the infant reflex is wearing off, she still does it but reminds me more of a butterfly now.  :)
She is an excellent eater and eats just about anything and everything you put in front of her.
She LOVES books and will sit for an easy 30 minutes while you read to her... not every baby does this... many try to eat the book 2 pages in or walk off, not her, she sits quietly and looks at he pictures and points and grunts.
She is just the cutest, sweetest lovebug ever!  :)

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