Thursday, October 14, 2010

Baby Jack Capps

About 6 weeks ago Donnie was working with Noah to say and know his full name: Noah Jack Capps. Over the past few weeks he has made it his big conversation starter... "Hey, Mommy, what's yure (your) name?" Me: "Mommy, what's your name?" Noah (with a big smile): "Noah Jack Capps"

So... we would ask Noah what is the name of each family member and here was his answer:

Donnie Jack Capps
Mommy Jack Capps
Yana Jack Capps
and when we asked him what the baby's name is he would say "Baby Jack Capps"

1 comment:


Tell Noah Jack Capps that Grandma Is now named:Grandma Jack Capps. That is so cute. Love you sweety Noah my cutest grand son ever! Grandma