Monday, September 13, 2010

One Chapter Comes to a Close

I was just sitting on the couch reflecting upon the past 39 weeks and 2 days and just had to come and blog about it...

Last Christmas I just kept thinking that when I am 80 years old I will wish I would have had ONE more child to fill our family a little more... so we gave God the opportunity to work with that desire and about 4 weeks later, learned I was pregnant with our 3rd child! :o)

The first trimester was very hard due to extreme vomitting and nausea...

The second trimester and most of the third I felt healthier and better than I have ever felt in my life, it seemed! :o) Me, Liliana and Noah spent a lot of time at the pool, both the indoor one at the townhome and at our friends outdoor one at her townhome... once the weather warmed up!

Today was our last day as a family of 4... this emotional preggo moma shed a few sentimental tears but is so ready for the 5th member of the family!

Since I have to be at the hospital in just under 8 hours from now... I better get to bed!!!

Thank you, God, for the family you have blessed us with! It has been extra special to share this pregnancy journey with Liliana and Noah... they are the BEST!!! Thank you for the next chapter we will embark upon as of tomorrow morning when my surgery begins at 8:40 a.m....

1 comment:

Meg A. said...

LOVE this post! Really love what you said about having regrets when you're 80 and giving God the opportunity! So sweet and so poignant. Can't wait to see pics of sweet Elia!