Sunday, July 27, 2014

VBS God Sighting

This year I served in the Preschool room for VBS and Elia got to hang out in there with me the three days I worked. She went to the toddler room the other two days. 
Today our lesson was about when Jesus washed the disciples feet. Each crew leader used a pitcher of water and a towel to wash each of their crew members feet. This meant that ever single child had their feet washed. 
After this we had a plate of crackers to share for each crew to represent the breaking of bread Jesus did with His disciples. Well, in the preschool room there was 5 groups of kids.  In our group of 6 kids there was a boy who was having a very rough day and because of some medical things he is going through he had a very hard time sharing crackers with the group.  To cope he went off by himself upset. 

Our next step in our lesson was to ask each child if they knew someone who was going through a hard time. I asked Elia and she pointed over to the boy and said "he is having a hard time". I said "you are right, I think he is having a hard time".  Then we were instructed to ask the children "what should we do to help that person?" And I asked Elia what we should do to help the boy having a rough day and she thought for a moment and then said "cheer him up!" I said "go ahead, go cheer him up." She then walked over to him and stood right next to him quietly, the way Elia does and just stayed there...after a few moments he turned to look at her and started talking to her very calmly. She had cheered him simply "being there".  I walked over and gave them a few linkin logs to play with and they played for a good 20 peaceful minutes. I finally walked over and said "Elia do u want to come and do a craft?" And she said "no, I am still cheering him up." They both then decided to come with me to do the craft with the group. 

Wow! Prior to all of this I had worked up a sweat trying to calm the boy down and get him to stay with our group. It was SO beautiful to see God use Elia in such a powerful way, right before our eyes. The other leaders in the room saw what happened and we touched. The most precious part was that Elia's heart in her actions was pure and wasn't about "look at me minister...", it was truly about A. Someone needs help and B. This is what we need to DO. And C. Do it. That simple. What a lesson! 

Love you, Princess! God loves you and has awesome plans for u...He is already seen in you! 

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