Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Proverbs 31 Experienced

A couple of weeks ago when we were in Pennsylvania Liliana woke me with a huge embrace and with this declaration:  "Mommy, you are SO gorgeous!  You are the most gorgeous woman I know and I have known lots of women's."  She went on and on.  I was blown away by such heartfelt words to come out of our daughter's mouth before my eyes were even open to face the day.
One week later, Liliana gives me the Fancy Nancy Spa Treatment, where I catch her looking upon my face with a quiet awe and love for me that I will never forget.
Noah has always said "Mommy, I want you, I love you more than anything", sometimes twenty times in one day.
Two days ago, as Elia was headed to the bathroom, she says to me "You're my favorite girl in the galaxy".  At first I thought she said I was "grouchy" but she said "NO" and kept saying the "g" word and I said, "did you say galaxy?" and she said with a relieved sigh "Yes, you're my favorite girl in the GALAXY!"
As I pondered this amazing love bestowed upon me as "Mommy", Proverbs 31:28 came to my mind and heart: 
 "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:"
I am blessed beyond measure and honored beyond expression to be Liliana, Noah and Elia's Mommy.  And I must add Courtney too, as she has bestowed countless blessings upon me in her love towards me through words and texts, that I have saved.
Thank you, Lord, for the incredible gift of Motherhood.

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