Monday, September 24, 2012

Project 365 Week 38

Sunday, September 16th
Elia's Turns 2 Ice Cream Party!
I hung these little chalkboards up with messages on them and gave them out as favors as the friends left. (I love decorating for parties!!!)  :)
 After the party the two big kids went to bed and Elia stayed up a little longer since she had a long nap that day so Daddy, Elia and I had a tea party with the tea set one of her little friends gave her.  It was SO SWEET!  I taught her hot, more and the pouring sound effects and boy did she pour tons of tea into my cup after every sip!  :)
 Monday, September 17th
While Noah was at Preschool, Elia was like royalty with a nice warm bubble bath all to herself! ...Of course, drinking bathwater is part of every child's develpement...YUCKY!  :)
Tuesday, September 18th - no pic
Wednesday, September 19th
Pretty Girly ready for school!  We put twisties in her hair last night so it was wavy for the day!
Thursday, September 20th
The first week of Running Club.
Friday, September 21st
I had Timmy for the morning while Kim worked in the boys preschool classroom as part of our co-op..I had the best time with these two!  They got along perfectly!!  We played at home, had snacks, went to the park for a walk (I pushed them in the double stroller) then let them play at the playground for 20-30 minutes.  Such a SWEET day!  :)
Elia is a messy eater and drinker so she ends up with her shirt off every now and then.  Here they were playing tea party then... 
Then moved their party to the CAGE!
Aren't they CUTE!!!  They are just 8 days apart!  :)

1 comment:


The little boy is cute with Elia. Josiah used to like getting in my dog cage.Noah may be into architecture when he is big. Liliana looks like such a big girl and so pretty. I love you ALL very much! Moma and Grandma